Apr 7, 2010

florida air

saturday's air was florida air
right here in april new england!
it's like when you see someone walking far off
and you can tell who it is.
who knows how? you just know.

the breeze from the south
sparked flashbacks of luffing sails
i could hear them flap.
reflexively, i duck the boom

when i woke up i knew --
florida air wafting through the window
the morning light of florida between the curtains
the sound tires make when florida cars drive by
that bird...is it the grackle? or maybe the house finch?
sounds exactly the same in florida.

all day my brain flashed holograms
of expected sights
only to be startled when they fit nowhere
my eyes saw only bare trees and crocuses.
suppose i were blind?
which reality would i accept?

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