Jun 30, 2011

chocolate mousse guacamole??

some saturdays i leave the radio on a while after "wait wait don't tell me" --  until it just becomes annoying.
a few weeks ago, a cooking show came on with guest cheryl crow. her recipe for chocolate mousse caught my ear, basically thick chocolate pudding, made with 2 avocados, agave nectar, cocoa powder, vanilla, and almond extract!
i got a couple of avocados and gave it a try. since john doesn't like avocados, it seemed like a perfect test!
it was simple to make and he loved it. 
deeeee-licious!  (it's not green either)
i didn't have almond extract, plus one of my friends is allergic to almonds, but i had just made coffee, so i put in that instead.  we ate it like pudding, in little bowls, not being the owners of martini glasses. 
hell i drink wine out of little juice glasses and john likes to drink water or juice from canning jars....martini glass? gimme a break.
here's the link to the recipe....it's great stuff!
  chocolate mousse recipe
oh another thing...i didn't use a food processor, just an old blender i have.  worked fine!

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