Oct 21, 2013

the wiggle glass goes on to a new life

our windows have wiggly glass.  
because they are very old -- from back before. 
if you look through them and move your head, the grass, trees, hills, clouds wiggle and wave!

we want to be warmer in vermont winters, now that we're old and seem to feel colder, so we're having some of them replaced with double pane tight fitting new windows.  i'll miss the wiggle glass.

our carpenter was planning to take the old double hung wood windows to be discarded. but our town recently got enrolled in Front Porch Forum, and now we can send messages to well over 100 of our neighbors, and the group is growing!  so i posted about the windows last week, and they've all been taken.  YAY!

some will be part of a sugar house, making up the front of it, so you will see the owner inside boiling down his sap, all wiggly hee hee.  some will go in a new barn being built.  isn't it wonderful?

the carpenter doesn't know -- he left before the windows were picked up.  it'll be fun to tell him, since we just had a long talk about death and the bardo and rebirth.

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